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Hello. Welcome to my blog. So on and so on. Blah.. blah.. blah...


What I


Art in various forms..AEP!






Cool dreams that I don't want to wake up from!


Last minute!


Rainy days!


Tasty sky!


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Add your profile here.
Here it goes..
Name is Sicong,from Ri.
screwed his PSLE and in the end went into Ri.
ok,that's all


Layout ©
Designer: manikka
Resources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Lol.....long time nvr post le,and though my blog dead liao,
I still must post this!!!My legendary painting!!

This is for AEP mid year btw

The face on the right is supposed to depict me!(Look like me right)

Then in the eyes got comic strips

Medium: Oil on canvas
100cm x 60cm

...zZZZ blog almost dead?
cant post coz got dry eyes....

YAY I grew 5 cm in a year!!!

from 169 to 174 now....hehe xDD

what an achievement for a 16

Ah well....I am BACK!!

Almost a whole month of being the king of the house..

All alone at home...

Without Internet...

Woots I survived

Ah well....I am BACK!!

Almost a whole month of being the king of the house..

All alone at home...

Yay!Today is China's birthday?? (at least I think so)

Lol,I didn't know until I went facebook then alot ppl post about it..
Haha Facebook is a nice tool...lol educate the less-informed peoples!

So,I heard it's the 60th birthday!!
And I am 16!!!


Random Comic Poster!!

(might be sick)


To think of it,me is the first one in 6A to become 16,
the first one to be able to watch NC16 movie..
The first one to have the honour to receive the untitlement of.....well you know..
So yeah!!!!This is the day to happy about!!!!
Zequan you still have half more year to go,WAHAHAHAHA
I am the Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol...ah how optimistic am I...

Yay Posting when I'm 16!!
The internet is so fcking slow that I am so fcking late!lol

Two hour+
and I am officially 16...

Few week since last posted...

Din't get into top 10...too sian to post liao..zz

Let me post a few photos..

Riteam 2! Our awesome group!!

Top 40!

Top 20!!

Top 20 thumbs up!!

Super (B)itch Storyboard!!

OH YEAH MAN!!! (Hoho that's like top 4.5% of Singapore btw)

MY groupmates and my drawings totally rocked!!!

Got into the top 20 of NEmation lV(Hoho that's like top 4.5% of Singapore btw) after whole day of ingenius creations
and mindstorming at Nanyang Poly.


Wa,whole September holiday must COMMIT ourselves in that Nanyang place.


Hopefully u all will see our animation on TV!!

Yay!! I got in to the N.E mation animation competition!!

It's a Animation competition where u make animation and good one
will be filmed on TV!!!(bet u all had seen some already..)

Lol thanks to me and my Infocomm team!!
Though I dun really know how I got in...

So..this Sep holday must go Nanyang Poly to attend selection..zzz
I hate selection!!!

Most likely we will be kicked out of the top 20!!!Damn!!

wait...on second thought..

My art talent!

Yeah!That's going to make the difference man~~~ xDD

(Lol...notice out name is the lamest...lamenamelame sia...)

My GPA improved also...


But Jinjie is the bomb sia...

3.80!!! top in class sia!!!

(actually I could have gotten it if I scored ONE more mark for GEO
as well as History!!!!!)

Lol...just discovered something funny today

The Difference between secondary school and primary school:

In primary school I smile for nothing people say me wierd.

In secondary school I smile for nothing people say "stop fantasizing!"

In my friend's perspective(He likes to frown every time):

In primary school he suddenly stop frowning and smile people say him scary.

In secondary school he suddenly do that people say:"wa,horny ar!"

Random Picture Time!!! (low pixelated quality alert)

Lol...a lil cat I spotted in Ri when returning home from rise..
Saw it a couple of times but everytime it ran off..

Zequan took these 2 when I lend him my mp4 to play Kirby...

Oh wow...this is pertty old....before the june holiday when watching "magic flute"

Lastly,The tasty sky I took at class party!!!

Now AEP gone into the drawing module,FINALLY!
So...first piece of practice....draw shapes..with clothes!!!
Lol...so damn hard,I never draw this kind of stuff be4...teacher nvr teach oso...

So...This is my first ever REALSITIC drawing...

And for CS...we moved on to FLASH...
Haha we all "flashers" now


Lol...I tried to make Kirby but failed...sccreweed...

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Blogger!Fck ur arse~!!! U noob shit niggar??!!!

HAHAHAHAHA I pwned you!!!!

(lol,sry if this is too vulgar...just wanted to vent my anger of blogger here..xD)

Lol I must be damn bored to post this,but this is my first time having the persistence to completely
Beat a flash game!!(esp. a strategy one) LOL

I spent half an hour beating this game....quite hard sia...you should try it too xD


XD xD xD!!

I love poetry man!I missed one week of english lesson,But I got 16/20 for my first
poetry assignment!

So now I have to write three poems and hand up..when I don't realy know poem..

Below is a "short" piece I wrote...I think quite good,so to share:

//The Lil' Being

I am the lil being,
wandering in the city lights.
They are like giant spotlights,so bright!
Except there was no audience to lend their sight.

Wind is my vehicle,
and it brings me around.
Soemtimes the night is cold,and wind howls like a ghoul,
That's when I wave goodbye to my home,and soon lost in somewhere I don't know.

Those cockroaches that you always hate?
That's my size up-to-date!
Though I don't think I will get anywhere bigger,
even if you read this some time later.

I wish I can do something for the world,
but what can I do when I am small as no!
I tried to speak,but my voice inaudible,
I tried to write,but my words ineligible.
My actions much use?impossible!

I don't know!I don't know!
I am just an insignificant lonely soul!
How I wish I can grow wings and fly freely like the seagulls!
How I wish I can become the lion and dash around,so wild!

One day,a huge disc landed from the sky,
and it engulfed my house in a gravely glow.

Out from it came some terrifying giants,
to whom human were just lilliputians.

They whipped out deadly weapons,
to which stones were terrified chickens,
by which my house thaw!

I'm scared,I'm frozen!

I saw their face,with a demonic gaze,
I heard them talk,and I got a shock!
World is in danger!
A danger that would bring it to grave!

All my neighbours escaped in a wave,
Hamsters,mice and Grey.
How could they!How could they!
Leaving the world behind feeling betrayed!

I knew it!I knew it!
I was the only one who can make the world safe!
I was the only one who could enter that hole,
press it and stop the
giants in their way!

Be brave,be brave!
I must protect World,my fave!
The fire in my heart,it burnt bright!
Leaving the ice to melt behind!

I jumped,
I entered,
I found,
I pressed.

I heard the giants cry,
I saw victory,so bright!
I saw the fire of my life,
burning so bright,surrounding me to celebrate my fight.

I knew it,
the sacrifice.
The fire of my life,it burned me from every side.
It burned the
disc with its sparkling might.

For the first time,
I feel so tall,I fell so great!
Farewell,world!I wish you good life!
Ah!Big at last...

Yay... I just owned a Adobe CS4 set!!(Finally...web design module over le den I get)

Ordered it at $99 at some website...they say the real price is 990+ !!?O.o

Thanks People for the "Get-well-soon's!!"..though i basically skipped school for a week now..

Me,*cough* Leonardo Da Vinci the second,*cough cough*,pays gratitude to your *cough* well wishes! xD

DAMN! I'm sick!For the first time in one year!!!

Feels so bad....Fever feels like being hot and cold at the same time...lols



I FINISHED THE AEP animation!!!


Ok here it is...enjoy(I spend a whole lotsa time convertin since I made it in an Apple notbk)

(There is a special appearance of the authors at the end,be aware!! xD)

Title:"Who's your neighbour"

Author:Sicong and Chun Sheng

Characters:Grai(the gryphon) and Cavo( the caveman)

Plot:Cavo was very arrogant,he chased everyone out of the island..

Opposite him was another island,which Grai the gryphon lived..

One day,he was bored,thus he went to invade Grai's island...

He challenged the redsidents to a duel but only Grai was brave enuf to accept the challenge

They Had a tough fight...

Suddenly,the ground starts to shake!The two characters found out that their island
was actually located on the bakc of a giant whale!!!

The giant whale awoke from its deep slumber and gave a good shake..

Cavo fell into the blowhole..LOL

So Grai saved him!Yay happy ending...

Finally,after a whole term of perspiration,

The AEP animation is donE!!!!

Today midnight I woke up with a start..

Looking at my watch with lead-weight eyelids,I discovered it was 3.30 a.m..

It was freezing cold.

The road outside was tranquil

Out of the silence,only the dripping of water outside could be heard,sign of a subsided rain..

Suddenly,i heard something..

It came from the corridor....

Wait,or did it come from the street?

It sounded like some sort of very pitiful cry...

Oh wait,but it also sounded like a cat,or even a dog!

The noise coninued for the next hour...

I laid on the bed,motionless,with my mind filled with all sort of creatures that could define that "thing"




Oh damn it !...I think I fell asleep after that.

So the morning I asked my mum...about that mysterious being

At first she looked puzzled too,but then when I mentioned "It sounded like a cat or dog"

She was enlightened!

Then she said something that...LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!

She said:"是只猫咪在发春啦!"

SO, it was a freaking cat making funny noises to look for mate!!!LOL..poor cat...having problem

in its mating season.

My mum knew cuz she kept a cat long long time ago..

the cat also "发春“ in the house,but it was a female cat,and that time all the males went out...

So my mum said(to the cat) ironically:"叫什么叫啦!这屋里只有女生啦!"

Lol first day of school...

SOMEWHAT glad to be back at school...

I hate this june holiday,it's a total failure...I was like..kinda lost...

Then in the end none of my goals were accomplished,damn it~

Our FORMER FORM teacher MrTan went on a quest for the further seek of knowledge..

So now a pretty short and cute female teacher replaced him..

But she first day meet us then 闹笑话 le...

She went in without being properly dressed...

So there was literally a HOLE on her shirt in between the two buttons!A pretty big one!until can see inside.....-_-

So in the end she 春光大泄...and all the pupils seating in front were like,able to see the bra...

But,though I am seating on the first row la,but I not so CURIOUS as them...

So I..I 眼不见为净 la! ahaha ^^ll

Ok enough of the horny shyt asshole stuff

Lol thanks to the H1n1,all CCA this week had been X-ed! YAY


Went to ICA building again..

tomorrow Is RISE camp man...which means holiday is over!

And I haven even start my homework!!!!

Damn you CCA everyday have to practice cello because of you....

The next term is goin to be catastrophic....my god

-reserved post-

Haha btw i'mTRUE Singaporean tomorrow@!xD

Yesterday was the erm...BIANNUAL class party? haha I guess

Lol....as always..went throught great obstacles before I finally reached my destination

(Last time went to entrepreneur discussion also kena drenched chicken...went to
Ryan's hse with Xavier in the end LOST while looking for a b-ball court)

So...I met Xavier at Tampines interchange(lol thx br0 for coming all the way down)

Then we went to take 31.

Though I din't really know where to stop...

Luckily,the bus driver told us where...


Now it's time for sun-bath time!

Walked under the sun for like...ONE and HALF hour before we reached the MAC @areaC

No details here coz...Just groaning and complaining all the way...

So finally we reached!..And v.late comsidering how early we started...lol

And then the activity started..
At first we went to the Bowling thing?i think,But not available so we got out....

So we went to put our bag at a chair..

Then just randomly played the ball I think....With Dingjie& qiyuan

After that..We went to cycle..


But i din't really kinow how...I only cycled for twice in my whole life...!!

BUT guess I'm pro as always so I was cycling at top speed right after

trying it out for 10 mins or so...hehe

I and Xav had a loop around the park...

Then halfway I spotted something from afar

Looking closely,it was Dingjie's wallet!?

I could recognize it easily coz I GAVE him the wallet for his b-day...

So I must be the saviour of the cyclers coz the receipt was inside the wallet!

AND no receipt=no card xDD

So...after a loop,Xav and I ate at Mac...

V.early dinner....

But one hour then hungry liao...

zz...that's a 16's stomach...haizzz...

Lol...and meanwhile Dingjie and Qiyuan travelled to Changi beach...

So when they were back the due time was over...

But luckily most ppl returned way earlier...


After that...I dun think did much before going home early..

A LONG JOURNEY AGAIN...nvm dun nid to tak abt it...

[btw the sky was So pink yesterday dusk!Look tasty as well!(ok let's see,we've got pink,purple,orange....what else can there be?xD)]

WA...Holiday so sian....

haha...so i picked up my DS and started PKMing...LOL

Guess what?I caught a shiny Ponyta!!!(it's blue-flamed!)


Haha...Two Ponytas!

Hi!Busy Sicong is here again!

Btw,I heard that we are having a class party ar???

lol,ok,it's it settled?

Hey Btw i got a new nick from my CCA..

That day the conductor(relief one)kept on forgetting my name,

Then after a few times he started calling me MR.MISSING?
(probably becuz 思聪 sounds like 失踪....)


Wa kao...This June holiday sure began with a bang.....ing piece of sh!tt

Yesterday was supposed to be family day,and all school activities were to stop at 5,

Then,I was like SO HAPPY becuz string ensemb is from 3.30,until 6.30..

However,that VERY CREATIVE conductor went to change the starting time to 2.30!!!

So in the end there was NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL MAN!

And besides that,when I was like bursting already,the conductor din't even release us at 5!

He released us at 6.15!!!!

That was like ...FIVE hours in total?

OMG...Family day....what shit...

Hehe...btw I got my Raffles Bandana!YAY..

Ok,here's the very efficient Sicong again!
The two design for logo/t-shirt design is out!

Ok,I know Baiyu you damn picky...
so i made TWO and uploaded the SKETCHES instead!

confirm which one you wan den I colour,ok?



The sky looked so purple just now,looks so tasty!!

Lol...Due to the very sincere request of Baiyu,here's your requested artworK!
(lol with this your class tee competition sure win one la...But MIGHT be expensive to print..)

To Baiyu:I will complete your wanted logo by weekend,k?

Yay...My effort somewhat paid off as

Our class got FIRST....runner's up for the interclass deco!

Haha I've got to post this before I sleep!

Jinjie kena screwed by msTan today...lol for the first time in his life i guess?

when ms Tan mentioned about the EOY exam,

Jin jie said:"shit!"

Ms Tan said:"who was the one who said s.h.i.t?

Jin jie,confused,said:"me."

ms Tan said:"stand up"

Ok I know this sound damn evil...but..but..I nearly burst into laughter...xDDD..

managed to 抑制 it.


Lol...One creepy piece of PS assignment...
Had to put a modern man into an old photo...quite difficult..

Back 2 post everyone!After I painstakingly tried out many skins and fixed the blog's problem
(Or should I say,reconstructed the blog)
faster then the estimated time ^^

Ok the new blog song is from 大富翁4(richman4)
..I think it's very relaxing,hehe..
btw ruiyu it's a game from China,nt Jp.hehe

So...Let me post about my latest photoshop progress!

Despite the lack of time,I,the kind soul,helped TWO people to do
their FINAL PHOTOSHOP PROJECT,which is a poster of themselves.
Sad,we are going to say goodbye to photoshop for now..
Anyway mine is already the skin background liao..hehe..

Lol...Zequan's...85% done by me...even his face was cropped by me...
Look like some kinda fairy..仙女下凡...lol!

Haha...Kaiyi's...95% done by me..
I censored his face...in case..


Class Deco!

Woah...After 2 weeks of perspiration,the class deco is finally done!

The theme is OCEAN!

Hope we will get to top 3!or champ!

Well,here are some previews:

Origami done by me!

Class overview!(lol newspaper hanging down)

Main deco overview!(this one I spent countless nights on ..
window filled with Origami!

close-ups of the main deco part

Bubbles with photos!(Everyone must do one)

Close-up of the penguin origami

wah....just back from RISE...AGAIN....

Please,SYF,quickly over can??

But wait....after SYF all of us must prepare for the July performance again!

It's a Beethoven piece,wth!

So much harder than the what 梦彩 and stuffs in CO...when in peichun...

Today in RISE also very 倒霉....

my handphone rang RIGHT when the conductor is talking!

So all I could hear from him was:

20 down!


And today I suddenly realise my form teacher MrTan is damn sick...

I do the class deco right(Our theme is OCEAN),then I write on one of the bubble the quote:

"Come come,I am Sean,the chairman..."

Then MrTan asked me:“ why did you write that?"

Then I was like...WHat??

Then he say:"why you write "come"?Does it have DOUBLE meaning??"

Arh....you get the point???xDDD

So I replied:"No larh!It's just the literal meaning!"

Lol...Then he laughed......

And Oh ya oh ya!another one!

In english lesson,he gave out worksheet,then one pupil said:

"Mr Tan short of one!"

Then Mr Tan replied:

"Nevermind I've got three."


dots..you know what it means right?

Ok...off to do the class deco things now!MUST WIN!!!!!

(Ps.The GEP classes frankly didn't do ANYTHING for their class deco,now I really know how nerd they are....)

Lol...today choir got something..

JJ wore the same long pants I wore last year. :) Brings back memories

Back then hor....look damn funny sia!(No offence,but nvm,JJ won't visit my blog)

But zzz...why choir so gd derh???fresh face can go SYF str8away...

We rice people have to wait long long LONG..before we can...

And now we are juz the dumbass backstage crews..zz

Lol......This is seriously ironic!

So far all my results are GPA 4.00 A1)



But for AEP I only got 3.6(A2??!!)

LOL!why everytime so contradictary one???

Last year ART was also the only subj I got B...




Must Chiong next term!Must!

Get that again 我不干了!


And this....


Are the two picture taken after 12a.m...
midnight,at Raffles Institution,
3rd of April,2009.....

See that boy standing cooly over there?
Who do you think he is....?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Omg GooseBumps!


Ok la!Cut these craps la!(in case you thought I had been telling the truth all the way)

How possible would the photos be taken after 12a.m when I published this post at 8pm?

And that zaii boy over there iz none other than.....



Ok...In case you are wondering,these photos are not taken with
the grayscale effect of a handphone(anyw my phone don even have camera)

But with a "shonebox!"

well,actually we made the shoebox into a what we call a "PINHOLE CAMERA"!

So this after,we AEP and MEP students went for one of the three workshops

namely Hip Hop dance,shrinking plastic, and Pinhole camera...

As for all the AEP studnets,we signed up for the latter as a whole...

So we made our own pinhole camera and went out to shoot!

So...the pinhole camera works almost the same way as a black and white camera,

but it reverses the colour!

That is...Black become white while white become black...


So we basiclly had to poke a hole on the shoebox cover and then put the
film below....and we had to cover the hole...since the picture will be taken
once the film is exposed to light...

So all this steps we had to do under pitch dark condition.....

Once we are done...we went out to shoot...

Unlike a typical camera,you have to put the pinhole camera still for 30 seconds
before the picture is fully taken..

So the first picture I took it in front of the ArtSpace,

the second one in front of the clocktower....

Lol...I had to remain in that pose for 30 seconds....

At the end of the day,all our photos were displayed....



Still mine is the best!


Today I went home in MRT...

And I saw this VERY sick advertisement...

insdie the carriage!

It's from dunno what Charles Charbroiled Burger company...

They introduce a new burger called the THICKBURGER...

But that isn't the point...

The point is that their advertisement goes like this:




and lastly



LOL...sick right??...well,maybe you won't geddit....

But Ruiyu,I bet you know what I'm toking abt...Haha